Clear Lake Children’s Center offers a wide range of services for children and adolescents. To learn more about specific solutions, click the links below or contact our office.
Screenings & Evaluations
We offer screenings and evaluations for children from the age of 12 months to 17 years, including autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, developmental delays, learning disabilities, dyslexia, intellectual disabilities, and many more.
Educational Consultation
Are you confused by all of the educational options available for your child? Are you struggling with the differences between private school, public school, home school, and charter school? Are you trying to determine how to request a 504 plan or educational accommodations from your child’s school? Are you overwhelmed by your child’s special education programming and IEP documentation? We can address these questions and many more in a consultation session.
Child Therapy
Our therapists provide individual psychotherapy for children, adolescents, and teens from the age of 5 to 17. For children under the age of 5, we prefer to work together with you in a parenting role to address your child’s needs.
Social Skills Group
In our social skills group, “The Meetup”, your child will learn and practice targeted social skills with other children who are also working on building relationships. Group topics include conversation skills, nonverbal communication skills, conflict resolution, behavior regulation, teasing and bullying, building friendships, and problem solving.
Parent Training and Behavior Support
Our team offers several ways for parents to learn how to support their child’s successes. Click to find more information about some of the many parent and caregiver support services we offer.
Clear Lake Children’s Center has a team of skilled clinicians ready to assist children and families.

Becky Siekierski, PhD, LSSP, NCSP

Nicole Anderson, PhD, LSSP

Erika Willis, MA, LPC-S, LSSP

Heather Belzeski (McMillen), LPC-A

Penny Sweeney, MA